
Still leaking

After having the pump running all night I found a leak. It was in the CPU block entry. I tightened the clamp and also screwed the barb a bit more. Now I'm leaving it to run for another night. Let's hope that got fixed now.

In addition to that I cut the dampers for the DVD drive. The foam from the PSU packaging was easy to cut and does the job perfectly. I'm going to fasten it with zip ties.

I also tested the fans. The 3 main fans in the radiator and the pump make almost no sound. The 2 small fans at the end of the tubes make more noise but I hope with the front plate installed it will dampen the sound. Anyways the machine sounds more like breeze in the trees than F-22 with afterburner like it used to sound.

1 comment:

jaz said...

Looking good, turbo!