
A small step forward

I got the exhaust grill mounting holes drilled today. It took 3 broken drills to have the 7 holes made. Because the grills are some kind of stainless steel and I set them on top of each other, the top one bent a little and that was maybe the cause of the drills breaking. I have no pics of that because I forgot my phone at home and I don't carry the camera at work. A little bit of finishing and I'll post you something about the ready grills. someday...

I'm getting too lazy about the project and now as El Jefecito is working perfectly, I don't even have that desire to finish the project like I did in december. Anyhow, I have this thing about unfinished projects. I get very excited about things and after a while I lose interest. Then again I want to finish the things I've started, so this project haunts me every time I start up El Jefecito. There's not THAT much to do, it's just me willing to get down and dirty. Next time when I get a couple days off from family, I'll try to do something.

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